
added in 0.3.0

Capture logged events for in-process debugging and testing.



Clears any captured log events.



Returns a snapshot, as a vector, of all events logged since the last clear of the log (the start of the current test).

Event maps have the following keys:

:trace, :debug, etc.
The name of the logger, as a keyword
A map of the data parsed as EDN from the event message. If the EDN data can’t be parsed, then this will be a map of :message and the message string.
System time (milliseconds since epoch) of the event.
Name of thread on which the event was logged.
The exception associated with the event. This is a map with keys :message and :class-name, and optionally :cause.

Returns a lazy seq of events. However, note that the seq is based on a mutable list that will be unstable if further logging takes place.


(logged-events-fixture f)

Using the expected logback configuration, installs an appender that captures logged EDN data into the *log-data atom.

The appender is removed at the end of the test BUT the captured log data is kept until the start of the next test.

NOTE: When using io.aviso.logging/install-pretty-logging, the :ex data will always be nil (install-pretty-logging overrides the message with a pretty-formatted exception, which results in the exception data seen by the appender being nil.