
Rook is used to map the functions of a namespace as web request endpoints, based largely on metadata on the functions.


Default options when generating the routing table.

Defines a base set of argument resolvers (default-arg-resolvers), an empty map of constraints, an empty list of interceptors, and an empty map of interceptor definitions.


(gen-table-routes namespace-map options)

Generates a vector of Pedestal table routes for some number of namespaces.

The namespace-map is a map from URL prefix (e.g., “/users”) to a Rook namespace definition.

The Rook namespace definition is a map with keys that define how Rook will map functions in the namespace as routes and handlers in the returned table.

A symbol identifying the namespace. Rook will require the namespace and scan it for functions to create routes for.
A namespace map of nested namespaces; these inherit the prefix and other attributes of the containing namespace.
Map from keyword to argument resolver generator. This map, if present, is merged into the containing namespaces’s map of argument resolvers.
An argument resolver generator is passed a symbol (the parameter) and returns a resolver function. The resolver function is invoked every time the endpoint function is invoked: it is passed the Pedestal context, and returns the value for the parameter.
Map from keyword to regular expression. This map will be inherted and extended by nested namespaces.
Vector of Pedestal interceptors for the namespace. These interceptors will apply to all routes. Individual routes may define additional interceptors.

Each namespace may define metadata for :arg-resolvers, :constraints, and :interceptors. The supplied values are merged, or concatenated, to define defaults for any mapped functions in the namespace, and for any nested namespaces.

Alternately, a namespace definition may just be a symbol, used to identify the namespace.

Mapped functions will have a :rook-route metadata value. This consists of a method (:get, :post, etc.), a path string, and optionally, a map of constraints.

Mapped functions should have a single arity.

Each parameter of the function must have metadata identifying how the argument value is to be generated; these are defined by the effective arg-resolvers for the function.

The options map provides overrides of default-options. Supplied options are deep merged into the defaults.

The :interceptor-defs option provides extra levels of indirection between an endpoint and the interceptors it requires. It allows for interceptors to be specified as a keyword. The corresponding value in the interceptor-defs map may either be a previously instantiated interceptor, or can by a function with the ^:endpoint-interceptor-fn meta data.

In the latter case, a map definining the endpoint is passed to the generator function, which returns an interceptor.